
Council Powers


The Council is elected, each Councillor serving a five year term which next expire in May 2027.  There are 14 Councillors serving two Wards, East and West, with seven representing each. In order to finance expenditure the Council precepts its requirements on the County Council. All income/expenditure is subject to annual internal and external audit and copies of the audited accounts are available for public inspection by contacting the Clerk. Council meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday in the month (except August and December when there is a recess) and commence at 7.00 pm. They are held at the Community Library, Gadlys Lane, Bagillt and the press and public are welcome to attend.


  1. BUS SHELTERSRepair and maintenance of Community Council bus shelters. Provision of a new stone-built shelter at the Boot End (A548) and brick shelter at Riverbank Post Office. All are checked for repair, cleaned and have been repainted on a regular basis. Seating was added to Manor Estate bus shelter in 2013 and Riverbank in 2014.
  2. CHRISTMAS LIGHTINGIn 2002 commenced Christmas lighting in agreement with two public houses in the High Street, which was extended and enhanced in 2003 and 2004 to include other properties in the High Street. In 2006 further extended to include rope lights on lampposts but was abandoned after one year due to vandalism. In 2009 spare lanterns were erected at Stag Inn and Forresters Hall, but in 2010 decision was taken to cease the provision of lights due to the perceived value as a result of the reduction in premises which could be used. In 2019 a decision was made to have Christmas trees and lights in various locations in the village which are maintained and reviewed annually.
  3. CONSULTATIONBy the National Assembly for Wales, the Central Government and their agencies; by the unitary Flintshire County Council and public utilities with a view to seeking comments and observations on changes being envisaged.
  4. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCEDonations annually to local organisations, within agreed criteria, towards running and specific expenses determined at October and February Council meetings. Also annual consideration of grant to the  Community Library to meet insurance and electricity costs and to the Bowling Club.
  5. FOOTPATHSSignposting to footpaths in co-operation with the Highway Authority. Bringing obstructions, need for sites etc. to the attention of the Highway Authority. Right to be notified and comments on diversions etc. In 1991/92, produced a Local Footpath Guide, with a second published in 1995. Involvement in survey of footpaths and, in 1994/95, permissive extension to footpath No. 13.
  6. HANGING BASKETSProvision of 8 hanging baskets on four columns in the High Street commenced in 2005 including arranging for erection, watering and dismantling and continued until 2007. In abeyance currently due to the need to overcome watering arrangements. In 2021 a decision was made to have 8 hanging baskets in various locations in the village which are maintained and watered by a local resident in conjunction with help from local businesses. In 2024 a decision was made to have 8 artificial hanging baskets in various locations.
  7. LIGHTING (FOOTWAY)Previous provision of replacement lighting columns in conjunction with former Delyn Borough Council in High Street and additional columns at Highfield Road, Trebor Avenue, Tyn Twll, Gadlys Lane, Foel Gron and Pen-y-Glyn. In 1995/96, upgrade existing lamps to 35 Sox standard (10 achieved in a year). Flintshire County Council are responsible for future maintenance, repair and electricity changes
  8. LITTERProvision of new litter bins (with emptying by Flintshire County Council) and replacement of existing as necessary. An enhanced amenity cleansing service (street sweeping/litter collection), paid for by the Community Council, was undertaken for twelve months with the former Delyn Borough Council.
  9. MISCELLANEOUSActing as a ‘pressure group’ with other local authorities, Health and Police Authorities and public utilities, to ensure local services are not diminished, bringing deficiencies to their notice and suggesting improvements. Attendance at Council meetings by Police local PCSO, when avaliable.
  10. NOTICE BOARDSProvision, erection and maintenance. Boards are provided at the Community Centre, in Riverbank and at the Car Park, High Street which are available for use by local organisations.
  11. PLANNINGReceiving copies of all applications affecting the community and the right to make comments, including objections to be taken into account by the Planning Authority (Flintshire County Council).
    Planning matters are discussed at Community Council meetings and the public is welcome to attend. In order to meet the deadline for responses imposed by Flintshire County Council which is before the next meeting date the Chairman, local County Councillor (providing he or she is a member of the Community Council) and local members can agree on a response subject to agreed criteria. In the recess months of August and December, the power to determine a response is delegated to all seven members in the relevant ward.
  12. PLAY AREAS / PLAYSCHEMESUpgrading equipment on an annual basis jointly with Flintshire County Council. Also, contributed towards playscheme activities for youngsters in the village jointly with Flintshire County Council.
  13. PUBLIC BENCHESProvision and erection and maintenance including painting.
  14. TRAFFIC CALMINGIn 1997/98 commenced a rolling programme of non-physical traffic calming measures in partnership with Flintshire County Council, at Holywell Road and High Street, and in 1998/99 at Bron-y-Wern and Bryntirion Road. Since 2000/01, physical measures installed at Bryntirion Road, Foel Gron, Victoria Road and Sandy Lane. Further programmes for Tyddyn Messham, Pen-y-Glyn and Riverbank agreed with the Highway Authority but were subsequently held in abeyance by Flintshire County Council. In 2012 due to no progress, the funding is now to be used for miscellaneous schemes.
  15. TWINNINGIn January 2013 the Council agreed to the Community of Bagillt in the County of Flintshire becoming twinned with the village of Laxey, in the Sheading of Garff, Isle of Man due to an industrial heritage link. This followed a visit in the summer of 2012 by the Chairman and representatives of the Bagillt Heritage Society to the Laxey and Lonan Heritage Trust. The link arose out of the Snaefell Mine Waterwheel being originally built in Bagillt which has been restored by the Laxey and Lonan Trust. It was re-opened in August 2006 and re-named the Lady Evelyn. The twinning link will be through the Bagillt Heritage Society.
  16. WAR MEMORIALUpgrading of surrounding area and maintenance of planted section. In 1997/98 arranged for cleaning, in 1998/99 names on the Memorial were renewed and in 2000/01, vandalism was repaired. From 2002/03 to 2005/06 made a grant to Bagillt Heritage Society towards improvement scheme and in 2008 also met the cost of a new public bench.
  17. WEBSITEIn 2007 established a Council website following .gov registration which was upgraded in 2010. In addition to information about the Council and contacts it also has copies of the minutes of meetings since May 2006. In 2011 the Council took up the role as a trial authority with digital mapping as a Flintshire County Forum initiative. In 2013/14 the translation of web pages into Welsh by making use of website development funds from the Welsh Assembly was agreed.  In 2024 a new website was established.